Sunday, October 4, 2009

Funny what T-shirts people wear

Public declarations are interesting things.

Some of us wear a red ribbon, at least on 1st December, to show their solidarity for the thousands already heaven-bound due to AIDS; some of us don Prada and Gucci to show the world we love fashion - and yes, can afford it; some, on the other hand, are perhaps less subtle.

I was leaving the office the other day and entered the lift as I usually do.
There in front of me was a charming looking young lady, with neat hair and a deliciously white smile.

Then I noticed her T-shirt.

It was jet black with white words emblazend on it. It clearly conveyed her whole being and perhaps that of the entire Y-gen at large.

It read: If you don't like my attitude, dial 1-800 EAT SHIT.

Not your usual call centre mnemonic, yet, catchy nevertheless, I'm sure you'd agree.

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